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We have an active PTFA which warmly welcomes all new parents.

The social and fundraising activities that are organised by the PTFA provide money for much needed resources for the school and the children. We organise family events such as the summer disco & BBQ, as well as quiz nights for parents and discos for the children. The PTFA also organise the infamous ‘Beer Blazer’ – a race day with 10K, 5K courses (that cover part of the Grizzly routes) and a 1 mile children’s fun run.

The PTFA have a Facebook page, please search for ‘Beer Primary PTFA’ and ‘Like’ our page so that you are the first to know of our up-coming events.  You can also email them at:

The school really does appreciate the work of the PTFA as their support is invaluable.

Beer PTFA Facebook