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Uniform List

Our school uniform is as follows:
  • White polo shirt
  • Grey shorts, trousers, skirts or pinafores
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Black, grey or white socks
  • Black shoes
Our school PE uniform is as follows:
  • Royal blue t-shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or hoody
  • Navy blue shorts or joggers
  • Trainers

If parents/carers would like to purchase uniform with the school logo on, this is available from Honiton Sports Shop.

Alternatively, items can be purchased from supermarkets without the school logo on. The school will make every effort to ensure these items are of reasonable quality and an affordable price. The remainder of the uniform is available from most high street stores. We also have a good stock of good quality pre-loved uniform in school; we ask for a small donation to the PTFA if you can. Not only is this option cheaper but it is also an environmentally friendly one as well. This is available to view at any time,  please just ask at the office. We are also often able to put a uniform pack together (items permitting) for families for free as and when needed.

PTFA Pre-loved Uniform that doesn’t cost the Earth


Any donations gratefully received for Beer C of E Primary School

Lots of stock available, please ask
in the School Office.

Uniform Policy

There is statutory guidance from the Department for Education