
We use prayer on a daily basis for different purposes; within Acts of Worship, before lunch and at the end of the school day for example.  

Children also have the opportunity for quiet prayer during our daily reflection time. Prayer is used for many reasons e.g. to give thanks, ask for hope and say sorry.

Our whole school prayer is:

God our thanks for all you’ve given.
Feed our hearts with bread from heaven.
Guide and lead us all the way    

In all that we may do and say.


Daily Prayer and Reflection

Daily prayer is an important part of life in school. Every classroom has a designated area for prayer. Every day each class has focussed reflection time.  We light a candle and the children are given time to reflect in a way that is most meaningful for them.

Outdoor Reflection

We have some outside areas for the children to use at break and lunch times as well as within lesson time.  These areas are natural and provide children with a quiet and calm area in which to take stock and reflect.